Rebirth as something new.

Rebirth as
something better.

Rebirth as
a change.
Welcome to Rebirth - in the Bathroom.
First Stop: The Shower
Creative Purification Routine
Every morning, most people follow a bodily hygiene routine.
Now imagine you are standing in front of your shower, and instead of washing yourself, you start washing away your creative constraints.
Second Stop: The Toilet
Write down and let go of the things that limit you and keep you from working freely and creatively.
'some of the best ideas come in the shower'
Now, since
and you have freed yourself of all creative constraints, let's put your creativity to work!
As you 'step into the shower' and get ready for a fresh, creative day, you may already have your first inspirations.
Step into the shower.
Identify and let go of your creative limits.
Similar to an ego death experience a “complete loss of subjective self-identity”, a phase of self-surrender and transition, a creative rebirth is a eureka moment, completely letting go of your current (inappropriate) perspective or approach to a subject, and allowing your brain to completely reconstruct your approach, or readjust the margins of your box. This could be inspired from without or within.
Stay as long as you need.
Creative Rebirth

Creative Freedom

Rebirth Mode: On.
The concept of “rebirth” cannot only be applied to objects, but also to ideas.
Why waste someone’s “bad idea”, when you can make it your own and turn it into a million dollar idea?
Everyone has different perspectives, values, and backgrounds, and taking that to your advantage allows new ideas to be formed.
2. Once you do that, take a look at everyone else’s bad ideas and find one that you want to improve.
Rent-a-Cat: for people who have mice problems in their home
Selling rocks/Pet rock
Weed Truck: like an ice cream truck but for weed.
What ideas have you thrown down the toilet?
Your time in the toilet has come to an end.
Don't flush! Pick an idea and make it worth a million dollars!
Continue Rebirth Journey
Back to House Blueprint
TIP: Think about possible approaches towards incorporating a mental and creative hygiene routine into your life.
Here are the Million Dollar Improvements!
1. Submit all of your bad ideas that you’ve had, from having a pet rock to a cat rental service for people with a mice problem, for other people to see.
Million Dollar Ideas
Bad Ideas waiting for a new opportunity
Selling SUPREME bricks
A portable beer bottle
Social distance dating